Crann na Beatha Index

As you enter the library in Am Manse Flur, you come across an old librarian who is busily working. After a few minutes, he looks up.

Greetings, Traveler, Do you have a question?

Ah, yes, the tales of Crann Na Beatha. I can help you with that.

Crann Na Beatha Short Tales: Usually works of under three thousand words. These are stand-alone tales that don’t directly affect established stories.

A Broken Woman’s True Desire: This is the tale, in novella form, of a mercenary captain who finds a bondswoman in the strangest of places. This story is the basis for other stories, which will be added as the weeks go by.

The Reve’s Tale: The continuing adventures of Balgair and his bonds.

The World of Crann Na Beatha: This is the section where we have the tales of the world’s creation, the people, how magic works, and so forth.

The Newsletters section: Wherein you can find quick access to the index.

Current Novella: Voyage of the Dawn Breaker, Contracts & Chaos

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