Upon hearing his name, one of the guards examined him closer and called over his shoulder. “Sarge!”
“What do you need, Vizo?” A voice called from the room behind the two guards.
“There’s someone here looking for the boss?”
“What are you talking about?” The voice called back. “The only entrance is on level two; we would have heard if someone came in.”
“I know that sarge, but six people are here.” The first guard retorted.
“I swear to god if you are pulling something,” The sergeant yelled as he walked up behind the two guards. “I’m going to …” His threat tapered off as he caught sight of the six and closely examined the cowled figure. “Who are you?”
“I am Iktomi, the Ancient one. I am looking for Saldren Halber-Drache.”
The sergeant leaned closer. “Would you please allow me to see your face?” When Iktomi did, the sergeant’s eyes widened slightly at the tiny spider inked between the chaos god’s eyes. Dropping to one knee, he bowed his head. “Welcome, Great One. We were told to expect you, but we didn’t expect you to come through the back door, as it were.”
Iktomi pulled his cowl back over his head. “You are to be commended for your attentiveness.” He gestured for the man to rise. “Is Saldren here?”
After climbing back to his feet, the sergeant nodded, “Yes, Lord Iktomi. He is. He’s on level two.” The sergeant tapped Vizzo on the shoulder. “I’m going to escort them to the council chamber.”
“Gotcha, sarge,” Vizzo replied. “We’ll see you when the watch is over.”
“Yep, you sure will.” The sergeant replied, then addressed the chaos god. “M’name is Sergeant Aaron Satori. If you follow me, I’ll take you to Lord Saldren.”
Iktomi nodded, expecting nothing less from the man. “Very well, Sergeant Satori.” He waited patiently for Satori to lead them. “Lead on.”
Sergeant Satori led Iktomi’s party down the hallway and up to the second level, bypassing several checkpoints, until they came to a large circular door set into the end of a corridor.
As with down below, two soldiers stood guarding the door. When they saw the group, they saluted the Sergeant, who nodded and watched as they pushed the door open.
“Lord Saldren,” Satori called out as he entered the chamber.
The half-dragon looked up from the papers strung all over his desk. “What is it, Sergeant?”
“You have guests, sir,” Satori stated, waving Iktomi and his group inside.
The nine-foot-tall half-dragon’s eyes narrowed as he watched them enter his office. “Now, who?” He raised his face slightly and sniffed the air. “Five Tiene and,” he sniffed again, his eyes widening as he tried to figure out who was under the cowl. “Lord Iktomi?” When the chaos god nodded, the half-dragon bounded over his desk and knelt. “You broke out?”
Iktomi chuckled, “Yes, Brigid here got me out.” He raised a hand and placed it on Saldren’s shoulder. “Although, I am guessing that he who watches wanted me out, or she wouldn’t have been able to break the wards.”
Saldren rose to his feet and glanced at the mage. “You have my thanks. I have been trying to free Iktomi for years.” Always staying out of sight. You aren’t from around here. Where are you from?”
Brigid shrugged. “You’ve probably never heard of it. Just a little town in the Saorca called Eola.” She frowned. “I’d still be there, except some muscle-bound soldier working for Rhyslin Darkblade,” she spat the name out as if in disgust, “forced us to escape or be caught.”
Saldren growled. “Mac Draoideachd. He stopped my attack on a Ciad-Ghin village and killed an Ogre.” He shook his head, calming. “If he’s your enemy, then you are doubly my friend.”