Mid Dùbhlachd, Year 300, Post Founding.
Introduction to the Voyage of the Dawn Breaker
Today, I’m starting a new section that will walk you through the revision of Voyage of the Dawn Breaker. I hope you’ll enjoy it. I’ll put a section up from the New Version and then link the old version below (when there is one.)
Mid Dùbhlachd, Year 300, Post Founding.
The moonlight filtered through the clouds, revealing the fortified village that lay on the small island where the three rivers converged. High above, the sails were pulled tight against the spars, robbing the magnificent galleon of forward motion.
In the great cabin at the aft end of the ship, two men stood staring into a crystal ball, searching for the best place to bring the mighty ship down to the ground.
"How long do we have?" The speaker was just a shade under six feet tall. His black hair was interspersed with strands of gray. His brown eyes scanned the ground below as if trying to delve beneath the treetops of the forest that ran from the banks of the river to the lands beyond his sight. His cloak seemed to shift colors as the clouds danced across the moon, moving the ship in and out of the shadows. Cloaks like his were rare, and they had been a gift from the First-Dreamer, the patron god of the rangers.
His companion, a thin middle-aged man with shoulder-length white hair, looked up from the crystal ball. "Three days." The black leather duster he wore was almost tailor-made to match the six-foot-long mage-staff that the fingers of his left hand were curled around.
"It doesn't look like much, “ the ranger commented. "Why is this place so important?"
"You know, Rowena," the white-haired man stated softly. "She was uncharacteristically close-mouthed."
The ranger grunted. "Sometimes I think she uses her goddess as an excuse." His mouth was set in a line as he peered into the crystal ball. "Where do you want us?"
"I think that clearing would be a good place." the Draoidh stated as he pointed to a spot on the far side of the river. "If we hurry, we can dig in and be ready for them when they arrive."
The ranger quirked a brow as he glanced at his friend. "Alright. Let's get going."
I thought this would be a better beginning to the story than just dropping it into the action. I used it to introduce two of the main characters but kept them nameless, at least for right now. Let me know what you think.
There’ll be more of this story coming up next week.
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