Welcome to the November 14th Issue of 💗Thorny Thursday.💗 Today, we bring you some new faces and stories, along with our regular cast of romantics.
Without further ado, we’ll start with
‘s “Hello Doctor Smith.” What we have here is the first chapter of a new book, and so far, it looks promising.What happens when a movie starlet falls in love with a dumpy professor? You get
’s “The movie star and the professor,” a modern love story.The next contributor is an old hand at romance stories.
tells us a story about The Dawn Gods of Ireland.“In the Shadow of the Lilac: Hollow” is the second to last episode of Shadow of the Lilac, by
. This has been an enjoyable serial about a haunted hotel and the floral murders that happened therein.Chapter Four of
’s “Color me Kelly” gives us some background on the lovely Jenn as she gets ready for her date with Kelly.Now for some good wholesome mountain romance. “On Blackstone Mountain: Chapter 8” by
, Josie is half-way through her deadline, and is still looking for the love of her life. Ben, being the good ole boy he is, decides to whoo Josie with all his heart.The Second is “Allow me to introduce myself,”
Next up, we have “Beast of the fields: recovery” by
.“Where the people are,” is the latest Radiance chapter by
writes a piece and sends it in, you know it’s going to be good. “Evelyn’s big news” is a mixed news. Big sis has a great job, Bro won the lottery, and Evelyn, well her news isn’t so great. Overall, this is a beautiful piece, full of familial love.I love it when people Challenge
to write. That’s when the good stuff comes out. Dave, , challenged Kathrine to write a jungle love story. She not only accepted it, she rocked it. What she wrote is, of course,Now that Kathrine has answered her challenge, she challenged Dave to one as well. He lobbed back with a great piece called “White Curls.”
The Art of Darkness, part IV is
’s latest entry for her story. The damsel has one last chance to avoid the fate that is on her. Will she choose wisely?
Thanks for the shoutout! I 'm glad you enjoyed The Movie Star and the Professor.
Gosh but I don't deserve to be included for forgetting for a whole week. Thanks Joseph, truly thank you for including me. I love Thorny Thursdays, it's just Thursdays are really busy irl for me, so really honoured and appreciative of you seeking out my humble Chute and posting it here. You're truly the best.